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Timeframe -- Free up to 14 days
We offer free returns & exchanges on unworn, non-custom pieces with original packaging within 14 days of delivery. To start a return/exchange, please submit a request here.
*Exchanges must be for the same product, in a different metal type or size. All other exchange requests will be processed as store credit.
**Allow up to 5 business days after your order has been delivered for returns and exchanges to be processed. Processing time may increase during peak sales seasons.
Timeframe -- up to 14 days
We are not able to provide return labels for International Orders at this time, but we are happy to accept a return within 14 days. To start a return, please follow the steps below:
1) Pack your piece in a small plastic bag (clasp shut if it has one) in a small mailer. Keep the original packaging materials.
2) Include a note in your package with the following info:
3) Mail the package to our studio:
Made By Mary
Attn: Returns Order #: XXXX
14193 Minuteman Drive, #100
Draper, UT 84020
Once your package has been received in our studio, our customer service team will alert you via email. Allow up to 5 business days after your order has been delivered to be processed. Processing time may increase during peak sales seasons.
Timeframe -- Free up to 60 days from delivery date
We stand by our work, honor our word, and care about your satisfaction. However, mistakes do happen, but we will take care of you at no cost to you. Our 60-day warranty covers the following:
If one of the above apply to your order fill out this form.
Timeframe -- 60+ days from delivery date